{{model.texts.price}}: $$
{{model.texts.supervision}}: רב/ועד כשרות מקומי
{{model.texts.cuisine}}: בין לאומי
{{model.texts.foodType}}: חלבי וגם בשרי
38- 1 Rua Rodrigo da Fonseca, Lisbon, Portugal
{{model.texts.comments}}: Glatt Kosher, Meat & Wine from France Shomer Shabbat owner. The owner is the wife of the late rabbi of Lisbon. The Hashgacha is approved by Orthodox Rabbi.
{{model.texts.comments}}: Glatt Kosher, Meat & Wine from France Shomer Shabbat owner. The owner is the wife of the late rabbi of Lisbon. The Hashgacha is approved by Orthodox Rabbi.