{{model.texts.meals}}: ארוחות לשבת
{{model.texts.deliveries}}: כן
{{model.texts.supervision}}: גלאט
{{model.texts.cuisine}}: Deli
1150 Polk Blvd., Des Moines, 50311, Iowa
Sunday - Thursday - ;Friday - ;
{{model.texts.comments}}: Maccabee's Deli is a not-for-profit Glatt kosher deli, grocery, books, and Judaica store operated by Judaic Resource Center of Iowa (Rabbi Yossi Jacobson)
{{model.texts.comments}}: Maccabee's Deli is a not-for-profit Glatt kosher deli, grocery, books, and Judaica store operated by Judaic Resource Center of Iowa (Rabbi Yossi Jacobson)