{{model.texts.price}}: $$
{{model.texts.meals}}: ארוחות לשבת
{{model.texts.deliveries}}: כן
{{model.texts.supervision}}: Rabbi Yoav Melchior
{{model.texts.foodType}}: בשרי וגם פרוה
13 Bergstein (WAS 55 Waldemar Thranes gt.), Oslo, 0172, Norway
{{model.texts.comments}}: This is not a restaurant, it is a community-operated Kosher shop, where frozen meat products, kosher hard cheeses, and various other kosher items are sold. The community also operates a Kosher catering service, serving delicous Shabbat meals, either on the premesis or delivered to your hotel. Call Janki at +47 90845222, or email: rubin@dmt.oslo.no